The voice of UK tech startups

Finding your Way Through the UK’s Immigration System – a Guide

The UK Government have been clear that they want the tech sector to be able to access the best talent worldwide, and has designed a visa system to make this work. There are now 10 visa routes open for talented people to make their careers in the UK and for startups to hire international talent. Many of those visa routes are new. We know the resulting number of options can be confusing.

So we’ve put something together that we think can help you. We’ve partnered with immigration law firm Fragomen to put together this handy how-to guide on what visa options are out there. 

And now we’re going to ask you for a favour.  

Because we know that navigating the visa system isn’t always quick and isn’t always easy. Our job at Coadec is to talk to the Government about where improvements are needed so we can make life easier for startups. But for that to happen we need to know where the pain points are so we can go back to the Government and ask for changes.

If you have hired from abroad, take our survey. This will tell us whether the system is working in practice. 

If you know someone who has hired from abroad who doesn’t get our emails, please share it to them or repost it on Linkedin. If you want to talk more about your experiences, whether that’s to go into more detail, make suggestions, or if you just need a chance to vent – get in touch with us

The survey will be open until the end of January.

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